One night I was drifting in and out of sleep in my apartment late at night. I had just come back from Christmas break and there had been rumors of mouse sightings throughout the apartment building so I had been on my guard. Out of the corner of my ear I heard a faint rustling and scratching noise. I tried to ignore it figuring it was nothing but just couldn't sleep so I turned on the light and looked around for.... something; I'm not sure what (it was pretty pointless because I'm blind without any glasses or contacts). I didn't see anything so i turned off the light and tried to sleep but the supposed mice where haunting my brain so I got up and turned off my fan thinking that it was making something move in the room. After trying for a bit longer to sleep I finally turned on the light and actually put on my glasses to look around. Over in the corner of my room I saw a large piece of paper on the floor, a corner of it curled up against the wall.... moving. The corner against the wall was scratching up and down the wall irregularly as if something were underneath it. So.... I called my then-boyfriend in a panic crying and grabbed a knife from the kitchen... yes a knife. He got to my room, i handed him the knife and told him to stab the "mouse". He looked around nervously for a minute then froze... he looked at me and said "its just air". I, crying, said "No! OMG kill it!" He went to the paper and lifted it up (i flinched expecting a mouse to run out from under it) and.... nothing. I started bawling out of relief and finally fell asleep at 3 am.
Gotta love college.
*About a month later we really did get mice and I moved out for 3 weeks.

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